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  • Access to entire library of video lessons
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Meet Your Teacher

After 50 years in the Arabian horse industry, Michael Byatt has become one of the most successful trainers, breeders and handlers in the breed’s history. With National and World championships in Halter and Performance, Michael is known for his diverse expertise and immense influence on the industry.

Now, Michael comes straight to your home through any of your devices to teach you all of his secrets to successful horse training.

What our students are saying

“The first time I watched Michael Byatt training, he lost me completely. It wasn’t until the second time I spent time at his farm that I understood the complete process. His method is about reading a horse and understanding their reactions. Learning to ask “why” a horse does something has helped me everyday in my work. With Michael’s teachings, training has become more enjoyable for both me and my horses. He is not just a handler, he is a horseman, and that’s what makes him a valuable teacher.”

Mike Meyer
Horse Trainer, France

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